↘ Copain is the person you share bread with.

100% homemade with lots of passion and joy. A piece of France in Vorarlberg.

↘ we have enough pain* for everyone.

*Pain means bread in French and yes, we love to play with this word. Especially in English, you can create exciting and funny headlines that convey the fun we have with our craft. We love it when the customer ‘clicks’ and understands our way of communicating.

*Pain ist übrigens das französische Wort für Brot und ja, wir spielen gerne mit diesem Wort. Vor allem in der englischen Sprache lassen sich spannende und witzige Titel kreieren, die unsere Freude am Handwerk vermitteln sollen. Wir lieben es, wenn es beim Kunden “klickt” und unsere Art der Kommunikation verstanden wird. um die Einzigartigkeit dieser Satz-Kreationen beizubehalten, übersetzen wir nur das Nötigste.

↘ our Philosophy
is full of pain.

↘ our Philosophy
is full of pain.

What do craftsmanship, time, quality, commitment and the seasons mean to us and how do they relate to our products? Discover our philosophy and values.

↘ our History is even batter.

What drives us, where do we come from and what are our hopes and aspirations for the future of bread?

What drives us, what are our hopes and wishes for the future of bread and where do we come from?

↘ Our pain
doesn’t hurt.

↘ Our pain
doesn’t hurt.

And it tastes delicious. Get a taste of our range and enjoy the Hall of Pain, where we showcase our most popular creations.

↘ Learn how to knead the pain out of you.

Learn the craftsmanship of baking bread with us in special workshops for bread enthusiasts.

Learn the craftsmanship of baking bread with us in special workshops for bread enthusiasts.

↘ order here – fresh pain
every day.

To place your order via Message or Instagram. Choose to your liking, follow the link.

↘ leave us a message but
don’t leave us in pain.

You have feedback or ideas for us or simply want to
leave a message? Get in contact!

↘ leave us a message but
don’t leave us in pain.

Do you have any feedback, ideas or just want to leave us a message? Get in touch with us!

Hast Du ein Feedback, Ideen oder möchtest uns einfach eine Nachricht hinterlassen? Neimm gern Kontakt mit uns auf!

↘ Opening Hours

TUESDAY–SATURDAY( Dienstag–Samstag)
7.00–14.00 Uhr

SUNDAY (Sonntag)
7.00–13.00 Uhr

Attention! Due to the small size of our seating area in the Bakery, we are unable to accept reservations. Thank you for your understanding!

Achtung! Aufgrund der geringen Größe unseres Sitzbereiches in der Bäckerei können wir leider keine Reservierungen annehmen. Wir danken für Euer Verständnis!

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